101% Guaranteed Sale Program
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A program that guarantees your home will sell for 101% of asking price stands out above the rest!
Hi everybody, It’s Joe Hillner with Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, where we guarantee that your home will sell for 101% of asking price, or I'll pay you the difference! Today I want to share something with you. While many agents may promise to sell your home for the money you want, the reality of the real estate market is that this simply doesn’t always happen. The truth of the matter is that the best homes sell very quickly, but even in a hot market like this, many homes don't sell at all!
This financial and emotional tightrope is one you typically need to walk alone on the basis that most realtors have no track record of success to be able to expertly assist you with this situation. In fact, the average agent in our area is part time and only sells 1.8 homes per year. How can they hope to provide you with the experience and expertise to properly market and negotiate the sale of your home? If price is a function of demand, how can the average agent maximize the amount of demand for your property to get you the highest price?
I’ve created a unique and proprietary 101% of Asking Price Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees that your home will sell for 101% of the pre-agreed asking price, or I will pay you the difference myself. How can I make such an extreme offer, AND put it in writing? Because I have nearly 4000 buyers I'm actively working with to find properties right now. Your home could already be sold!
Before you enlist any realtor, you should explore the market to discover who can do the best job for you. While talking with agents, ask what their track record and success ratio is in selling homes - many will not even know how to answer that. Then, ask what sort of written guarantee they will give you regarding the sale of your home. I'd be willing to bet that your query will be met with a blank stare.
In a market where many homes listed for sale sell below what the seller was promised, A program that guarantees your home will sell for 101% of asking price stands out above the rest! Unfortunately, you’ll find that most agents simply cannot, and will not, make such a guarantee.
To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled, “How to Get 101% of Asking Price for Your Home Guaranteed”. Just give me a call at 954-799-6867
We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !