Sell Your Home For Just a 1% Commission!
Thursday, January 6, 2022

A program that GUARANTEES you will SAVE thousands when selling your Home!
Hi, it's Joe Hillner, with YHSGR, where we guarantee the sale of your home, or I'll buy it! I want to share with you something unique and special - it's our 1% Listing Commission Program.
If you're like other folks who would love to cash out in this white hot seller's market, but you're thinking that paying a broker 5%, 6% or more to make it happen doesn't really make sense to you, then this program is for you.
After all, properties are selling at a record pace, so you may be thinking, why do I need a realtor to sell my house at all? Well, there is still tremendous value in the marketing aspect, if done properly, that will get you the highest possible sale price. But is paying a full commission a great value in this market? Good question...
Why not take advantage of the buyer feeding frenzy going on out there and keep most of that money in your pocket? Makes sense, right? After all, since there's so much competition between buyers to get a home, and they already know that they have to be aggressive with their offers, why shouldn't we just ask them to pay the realtor commissions too?
That's a pretty novel idea, but it's not a new one. In fact, that concept has been around for years, but in a different context. If one is buying a foreclosure through an online auction house, the winning bidder will pay a 5-10% premium over and above the final price. You heard me right. And anyone that's had any experience with this kind of sale is already familiar with the concept. So why shouldn't we adopt that same methodology to your advantage?
So if you're thinking about selling and you'd like to hear more about this revolutionary program, just give us a call at 954-799-4383.
And if you need proof that the program really works, consider this. We have already taken several listings under this program and just recently closed the first deal in South Florida
where the buyer is paying the commissions. In fact, the buyers paid OVER asking price PLUS a 5% buyers premium and they were elated to do so! Why? Because they had already lost out on many other properties in multiple offer situations and they decided that they would do whatever it takes to get a home. And that was an extra $22,250 in the seller's pocket. Do you think they were elated? Absolutely!
For any buyer that's been in the market for a while, thats what happens - they either get frustrated and drop out entirely, or they get tenderized by the market and consequently get very aggressive in their decision making and their offers. This program recognizes that buyer psychology and helps you, the seller, put a lot of additional money in your pocket, potentially tens of thousands of dollars!
Once again, if you'd like to hear more about this amazing program, just give us a call at 954-799-4383, and start packing!
Free Report for Sellers
We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking forward to hearing from you! We will do our best to reply to you within 24 hours !